Recently completed research projects
Local projects:
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.03A (2015 – 2019) Elaboration of new nanostructured optical materials from composites based on polimers-inorganic semiconductors with practical applications, head – Mihail Iovu, Dr.Sci.
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.04A (2015 – 2019) Synthesis and characterization of new multicomponent chalcogenide semiconductor materials for applications in photovoltaic and photonic, head – Ernest Arushanov, acad. ASM
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.05A (2015 – 2019) Physico-chemical methods and engineering aspects of new materials and surfaces obtaining for multiscale technologies, head – Alexandr Dikusar, cor. mem. ASM
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.05F (2015 – 2019) Condensarea Bose-Einstein a excitonilor și atomilor în nano și microstructuri sub influenta câmpurilor electromagnetice, head – Sveatoslav Moskalenko, acad. ASM
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.06A (2015 – 2019) Nanoindentation deformation for mechanical characterization and creation of new local structures in vitreous, polimeric and crystalline materials, head – Olga Shikimaka, Ph.D.
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.06F (2015 – 2019) Multifunctional oxychalcogenide and metaloorganic materials with advanced magnetic, absorptive and luminescent characteristics: synthesis, experimental study, modeling and applications, head – Leonid Kulyuk, acad. ASM
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.07A (2015 – 2019) Charge, heat and mass tranfer under thermoelectrophysical and cavitational influences; tehnological and technical elaborations, head – Mircea Bologa, acad. ASM
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.07F (2015 – 2019) Effects of quantum optics and kinetics in nanostructures for informatics and advanced biophotonics, head – Nicolae Enaki, Prof.
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.08F (2015 – 2019) Qua nlum, statistical and kinetic methods to study of the many particles systems. Applications to condensed and nuclear matters., head – Mircea Baznat, Ph.D.
- CSSDT/ANCD/MECC 15.817.02.09F (2015 – 2019) Quantum Coherences and Nano-Photonics, head – Mihai Macovei, Dr.Sci.
Projects state programs:
- CSSDT 14.518.02.04A (2014 – 2015) Crystal engineering approach for fabrication of metal-organic materials with cooperative properties, head – Victor Kravtsov, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 16.00353.50.05A (2016 – 2017) Crystal engineering approach for design and tuning the architecture of functional metal-organic materials, head – Ph.D. Victor Kravtsov
Youth projects:
- CSSDT 14.819.02.16F (2014 – 2015) Studiul metodelor de obținere a materialelor nanostructurate cu proprietățile performante corelate cu tehnologiile de vârf, head – Natalia Tsyntsaru, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 14.819.02.17F (2014 – 2015) Investigation of electrical and optical properties of Cu2ZnSi(Se,Te)4 as new materials for energy production from renewable sources, head – Viorel Felea, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 14.819.02.18F (2014 – 2015) Interacțiunea polaritonilor magnetoexcitonici bidimensionali în prezența interacțiunii spin-orbită de tip Rashba, head – Igor Podlesnyi, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 14.819.02.20A (2014 – 2015) Complex and superimposed diffraction gratings formation on photo- and electron-sensitive films of (As4S3Se3)1- x:Snx, head – Diana Shepel, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 15.819.02.01F (2015 – 2016) Creșterea și cercetarea proprietăților structurale și magnetice a monocristalelor multiferoici HgCr2S4 și Fe1- xCuxCr2S4, head – Stanislav Belevski, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 15.819.02.03F (2015 – 2016) Design and fabrication of coordination compounds based on 3d metals and polydentate ligands with different donor atom sets, head – Lilia Croitor, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 16.80012.02.03F (2016 – 2017) CdCr2S4 Cr2S4 semiconductor magnetic materials and technologies for applications in spintronic, head – Roman Marianna, Ph.D
- CSSDT 16.80012.02.05F (2017 – 2018) Design, preparation and study of metal-organic mixed-ligand materials with useful properties based on transition metals and polydentate ligands, head – Lilia Croitor, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 16.80012.02.24F (2017 – 2018) Investigation of physical properties of off-stoichiometric Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 powder samples with different range of structural disorder, head – Maxim Guc, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 16.80012.02.25F (2017 – 2018) Growth of bulk FeCr2S4 single crystals with spinel structure. Characterization of their physical properties., head – Stanislav Belevskii, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 16.80012.50.22A (2017 – 2018) Optical diffractive elements for protection products of national economy, head – Oxana Iaseniuc, Ph.D.
- CSSDT/ANCD 18.80012.02.10F (2018 – 2019) Growth technology of superconducting monocrystals based on iron calcogenisers of type Fe1+xTe1-xSex and RbFe2Se2-xSx, head – Roman Marianna, Ph.D
- CSSDT/ANCD 18.80012.50.33A (2018 – 2019) The diagnose of biomolecules using the Raman interaction of the light, head – Marina Turcan, Ph.D.
Bilateral projects:
- ANCD 18.80013.16.02.01/ERA.Net (2018 – 2020) Development of a method for improving material properties by combined bulk and surface plastic, head – Daria Grabco, prof.
- ANCD 19.80013.16.02.01F/BL (2019 – 2020) The growth of the Cu2Zn1-xCdxSnS4 solid solutions and the study of their physico-chemical and physical properties for the design of the solar photoconverters, head – Ernest Arushanov, acad. ASM, Dr.Sci., prof.
- ANCD 19.80013.50.07.04A/BL (2019 – 2020) Design and developments of optical vortices on the azopolymers thin films for biomedicine, head – Elena Achimova, Ph.D.
- ANCD 19.80013.50.07.05A/BL (2019 – 2020) Technology method of fabrication of holographic diffractive optical elements in thin-film structures of metal-chalcogenide glass semiconductor, head – Andrian Nastas, Ph.D.
- ANCD 19.80013.50.07.06A/BL (2019 – 2020) Carbide and nanostructure synthesis technology by electric-sparks alloying with graphite, Ti and W electrodes and their influence on the properties of metal surfaces, head – Valentin Mihailov, Ph.D.
- ANCD 19.80013.58.07.07A/BL (2019 – 2020) Synthesis of UV irradiation conversion films and their use for increasing the efficiency of silicon solar cells, head – Dormidont Sherban, Dr.Sci.
- CSSDT 13.820.05.07/GF (2013 – 2015) Control of the quantum dynamics of a collection of artificial atoms, head – Mihai Macovei, Dr.Sci.
- CSSDT 13.823.15.09/GA (2013 – 2015) Transferul de sarcină în amestecuri de gaze ale heliului la temperaturi și presiuni înalte în condițiile descărcării coronă, head – Fiodor Grosu, Dr.Sci.
- CSSDT 13.823.15.10/GA (2013 – 2015) Digital holographic microscope for biological tissues Research with LabVIEW program, head – Elena Achimova, Ph.D. & Maria Duca, acad. (UnASM)
- CSSDT 14.820.18.02.02/U (2014 – 2015) Elaborarea generatoarelor de impulsuri electrice – generație nouă – pe bază de invertori de tensiune și a aplicatoarelor cu mișcare complexă a electrodului de prelucrare : vibrații-rotații-oscilații și studierea legităților procesului mecanizat de durificare și recondiționare prin scântei electrice a organelor de mașini și a sculelor, head – Valentin Mihailov, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 14.820.18.04.05/U (2014 – 2015) Synthesis, properties, molecular and crystal structure of benzodiazepine and fibrinogen receptor ligands, head – Victor Kravtsov, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 15.820.16.02.01/It (2015 – 2016) Investigation of new multifunctional acentric metal – organic materials for opto-electronic applications, head – Marina Fonari, Ph.D.
- CSSDT 15.820.18.02.04/It (2015 – 2016) Quantum simulations and information with trapped ultracold atoms, head – Nicolae Enaki, Dr.Sci.
- CSSDT 16.820.5007.02/ERA.Net (2016 – 2017) TeraHertz sensors for health protection, head – acad. Ernest Arushanov
- CSSDT-STCU 5929 (2013 – 2015) Efecte orbitale în generația nouă a magneților monomoleculari: elaborarea criteriilor pentru designul rațional, head – Sofia Klokishner, Dr.Sci.
- CSSDT-STCU 5985 (2015 – 2016) Cu2ZnSnS4 for environmentally friendly converters of renewable energy, head – Ernest Arushanov, acad. ASM
- CSSDT-STCU 6098 (2016 – 2018) Design and development diffractive optical elements based on azopolymers for application in biophotonics and optoelectronics, head – Ph.D. Elena Achimova
- CSSDT-STCU 6117 (2016 – 2018) Nanocomposite Polymer/Organic Compounds with Rare Earth Ions for Photovoltaic Applications, head – Ph.D. Victor Verlan
- CSSDT-STCU 6140 (2016 – 2018) Optoelectronic effects in modernization of advanced implants, head – Dr.Sci. Nicolae Enaki
- CSSDT/ANCD 16.80013.5007.04/Ro (2016 – 2018) New non-toxic aromatic carboxylate derivatives with role in plant growth regulation: from synthesis and structural investigations to biological tests (CAREPLANT), head – Ph.D. Pavlina Bourosh
- CSSDT/ANCD 17.80013.5007.03Ua (2017 – 2018) New composite functional materials and structures on the base of chalcogenide glasses and photopolymers for optical and optoelectronic applications (CHALCOPOLIMAT), head – Elena Achimova, Ph.D.
- CSSDT/ANCD 17.80013.8007.07Ua (2017 – 2018) Synthesis, properties, molecular and crystal structure of benzodiazepine and fibrinogen receptor ligands (SARBEFIR), head – Victor Kravtsov, Ph.D.
- CSSDT/ANCD 18.80013.16.03.03/It (2018 – 2019) New Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Materials Based on Optoelectronically Active Triimidazole Ligand, head – Marina Fonari, Ph.D.
- CSSDT/ANCD-STCU 6219 (2017 – 2019) Optical and Magnetic Molecular Switches: Prospects for Practical Applications, head – Sofia Klokishner, prof.
International projects:
- AERONET NASA/GFSC 618 (2010 – 2020) Aerosol Robotic Network, head – Alexandr Aculinin, Ph.D.
- FP7-ICT 608899 (2013 – 2015) European Innovation Ecosystem as a gate for supporting FoF Research and Experimentation, head – Elena Achimova, Ph.D.
- FP7-INCO 609534 (2013 – 2016) Reinforcing cooperation with Eastern Partnership countries on bridging the gap between research and innovation for inclusive and secure societies, head – Elena Achimova, Ph.D.
- FP7-PEOPLE 269167 (2011 – 2015) International cooperative programme for photovoltaic kesterite based technologies, head – Ernest Arushanov, acad. ASM
- FP7-PEOPLE 295202 (2012 – 2016) Training and collaboration on material development and process improvements in oil and sugar production, head – Alexandr Dikusar, cor. mem. ASM
- FP7-TRANSPORT 335091 (2013 – 2015) Tangential Impulse Detonation Engine, head – Tudor Cuciuc
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017-778357 (2018 – 2022) Multiscaled Smart Metallic and Semiconductor Electrodes for Electrochemical Processing and Devices, head – Natalia Tsyntsaru, Ph.D.
- H2020-TWINN-2015 No: 687328 (2016 – 2018) Boosting the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in digital holographic microscopy of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, head – Achimova Elena, Ph.D
- NATO EAP.SFPP 984890 (2015 – 2018) Energy – efficient decontamination by UV & cold plasma using metamaterials, head – dr. Sc. Nicolae Enaki
- SCOPES IZ73Z0_152404 MT1 (2014 – 2017) Synthesis, Experimental and Theoretical Study of Bistable Magnetic Materials Based on 3d and 3d-4f Exchange Coupled Clusters: Prospects for Practical Applications, head – Svetlana Baca, Ph.D.
- SCOPES IZ73Z0_152404 MT2 (2014 – 2017) Synthesis, Experimental and Theoretical Study of Bistable Magnetic Materials Based on 3d and 3d-4f Exchange Coupled Clusters: Prospects for Practical Applications, head – Sofia Klokishner, Dr.Sci.
- SCOPES IZ73Z0_152734 (2014 – 2017) Spin-liquid and Spin-ice States in Frustrated Rare Earth and Transition Metal Spinels, head – Vladimir Tsurkan, Dr.Sci.
- STCU 6011 (2015 – 2017) The electrophysical processing of whey for obtaining healthy and environmental products: technology and installation, head – Elvira Vrabie, Ph.D.
- STCU 6224 (2017 – 2019) Physical and photoelectrocatalytic properties of (Ag,Cu)2ZnSn(S,Se)4 for environmental friendly photovoltaic and photoelectrocatalytic devices, head – Ernest Arushanov, acad. ASM
Other projects:
- ANCD 20.70086.16/COV (2020 – 2021) Biomedical application of polarized digital holographic microscopy, head – Elena Achimova, D.Sci.